Thematic and Extended Accounts

This online inventory presents to national compilers easy reference to available examples of thematic and extended accounts published by countries. It provides links to country-specific sources and methods as well as available international guidance in these areas. The inventory was developed following an in-depth review of satellite accounting carried out by the Bureau of the Conference of the European Statisticians (CES). It is updated annually by UNECE.

The System of National Accounts, 2008 (2008 SNA) is a powerful analytical tool containing a rich set of information, but this richness is not always apparent or sufficient. Often this information needs to be further detailed, re-worked, re-packaged, or expanded in order to be effectively used to address more specific policy questions.

One way to expand the 2008 SNA is the development of satellite accounts. Satellite accounts provide to national accountants the flexibility to look outside the rigours of the core concepts and methods recommended by the 2008 SNA and experiment with new ideas and measures. They also help users analyze a specific sector of the economy that they may not have been able to analyse using the core accounts.

Chapter 29: Satellite accounts and other extensions of the 2008 SNA, distinguishes between two types of satellite accounts: thematic (see 2008 SNA, paragraph 29.5) and extended (2008 SNA paragraph 29.6)

If you have any comments or corrections concerning the information on your country presented in the online inventory please contact us at



The System of Environmental Economic Accounting (SEEA) is the statistical standard for measuring the environment and its relationship with the economy. There are two parts of the SEEA, the SEEA Central Framework and the SEEA Ecosystem Accounting. Both the Central Framework and Ecosystem Accounting include accounts in physical and monetary terms. In addition, the SEEA makes it possible to further identify monetary information related to the environment which is already included in the SNA. By applying the same accounting rules, definitions and classifications as the System of National Accounts to environmental data, the SEEA complements the SNA by providing an integrated framework that measures the interrelationships between the economy and the environment. The development and implementation of the SEEA is undertaken by the UN Committee of Experts on Environmental Economic Accounting (UNCEEA). A global assessment on the implementation of the SEEA is carried out annually by UNSD as part of the reporting on SDG indicator 15.9.1b on the number of countries implementing the SEEA and to inform the priorities of the UNCEEA work programme. For further information please see SEEA Around the World | System of Environmental Economic Accounting